Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

differences in facebook and friendster

Until the 2008's, friendster or FS is the most popular social network in Indonesia, almost every high school and college students have it to find old friends and new. But since 2008 the more popular Facebook or FB. Even now, even facebook increases rapidly become a global ranking of 2 and number 1 in Indonesia (source: alexa.com) compared with only 908 in friendster globally and 93 in Indonesia.
From searching google facebook fb ranked second and third rank, the growth / improvement facebook fb rank 1 and rank 2. Whether for ranking fs and friendster. This paper is trying to compare both the social networking side of the convenience and popularity soared, so stay away from myspace facebook remained.

Looking for Old Friends
To search for old friends to find out his name in the FS that it is often different names with real names, such as the FS can Sukarto Karto Item name so that the fitting is necessary to know the email and the original photograph. From the menu search (search) typed ANMA or email address in question could be asked to confirm to a friend.
Another way to search is to find from a friend who is also our friend, for example Sukarto Adi friends who are also our friends. From Adi who have become our friends in the FS wanted list if his friend Adi and Adi Sukarto already a friend then it can be our friend.FB
Can search through the group, from the view that is randomly generated by the FB, through our friends that a time will connect through mutual friends (mutual friend), or would present itself in photographs, comments or links that are likely quite a lot. Thus through the FB chance to meet old friends quite large and often well connected through photos, group, friends of friends, comments, news feeds and other sebagianya.
Photo Tagging
Tagging a photo or a name which we upload photos, the new FS FB after questions raised following the tagging of photographs is quite an important role in jazz up a network of friends on FB. However ketertautan with a photo and friendship on FB more easily than in the FS, aka its website more dynamic, while the FS seemed static.
Tagging photos on FB is popularly used to interconnect both among friends or media for marketing in introducing products that could be the arena of buying and selling media via FB. This media is made from FB to know a lot of people doing a small reunion of both newly formed community or community of old friends. Has become a small reunion unbelievable thing, the establishment of new community and social gathering begin to be created and turned back on since the existence of this FB.
Group at the FS does not mesh with the image, a network of friends and notifications, so that in the FS group were more likely to static.
Group on FB tend to be dynamic and interconnected by many things including applications, games, photos, links, and other linkage group on FB so it is quite dynamic. Group created by the FB can also be the initiation of a movement or support of many things. Sutau crystallization can start a movement or an idea generated from this group. Misalnay 1 million in support to choose someone to be a leader or say 5 million support for the construction of the motorway from A to B and so forth.
Group on FB and formed highly dynamic interplay with all sorts of things and making friends social networking is becoming increasingly dynamic.Games
Games in the FS are separated by another feature connected with the group and the lack of, friends, photos, and the recommendation of dynamic ayng making games is a feature that runs itself.FB
Games are a vehicle for friendship becomes more closely to the recommendations games, gift or perpintaan many things that other than to fill time ksoong can also strengthen the social networks of friends in FB.Recommendations Friend

Recommendations in the FS to my knowledge no. While the recommendations in FB either directly or termunculkan at random from the program to make friends through FB FB is so dynamic.
View friends of friends
View friends of friends of Fs must be searched manually, while the FB could arise from the automatic program of the FB, so this one easy to find new friends or meet with old friends. Has become a recurring story met an old friend from FB media. We are very pleased that the friendship and find old friends easier.
Capacity Number of Friends
Unfortunately the number of friends in FS until recently were not above 200, while the capacity of the number of friends on FB that only 5,000 will be limited even if it is not easily surpassed by even just a matter of months. It is common knowledge, each person now has even more of a FB account because of the ease of old friends and make friends with each other ketertautan through various media such as photos, groups, pages, games, friends of friends and others sebagianya.
In FS I do not know whether or not there pages, but the FB is possible if the celebrities, products, company or personal want to connect a container of more than 5,000 parties. This allows members of FB pages collected in a container until the number is not restricted. FB has a creative solution to accommodate the needs of its users.
Links to Twitter, Plurk and Other Social
Link with other applications such as twitter, plurk and other jejaraing for FS not only the current status of dynamic alias that appears, for the FB can be stored in ketertautan news feeds so that more dynamic and can be commented upon each other. Jobs in the FB to be no end if it is not smart and limit the access time of FB.
Additional Applications
Additional applications and stand-alone static FS. While the FB can be dynamic, interconnected, and many separate applications for the purpose of creation and special interests. This opportunity allows the FB to be widely open to creativity, innovation, development and expansion of appropriate goals and interests of users.
Fans Widget
Sayabelum find a widget for the fans or the application of this kind for FS. Nevertheless FB FB allows that connection to be the easiest of all internet access.
Notification in the FS and FB possible from the email, but especially FB notifications and always made a special menu that is easily accessible on the movement and contemporary update on FB easily monitored. The use of FB is easier than with FS.
Observing the above comparison it is clear why FB is much skyrocketed meinggalkan FS. FB is ranked second (global) than 908 (global) FS shows an interconnected, dynamic, openness and the development of creativity and innovation continue to make the FB is always evolving. A fairness also google even still putting on the growth and ranking penelusurannya rank 2 to 1 for both FB and facebook.The negative side of Fb if not divided by time in the FB access and how to always update, 24 hours a day can not be enough. The only way is to use the access FB with adults in a mature and careful so that the progress of this technology to be useful rather than harmful backfire.

source :  http://social-media.lintas.me

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